Just keep swimming

       So this past week my beloved first born said the F word and I just remembered that my beloved second born's birthday is next week. What do these two things have to do with each other? Keep up the good work, you! I can’t keep up with life right now. I have so much on my to-do list that I just don’t do it. Productive right? Vacation needed. Topping the list: clean crayon off the walls right after checking Pinterest for the best method to clean crayon off of the walls. Oops, and now I’m distracted on Pinterest.                        
My younger child started this new thing where she cries the whole entire way to and from school (about 20-30 minutes depending on traffic). I can’t usually even figure out what is wrong because we are having the Whinese communication barrier and there is no rationalizing with her. One of those days the only thing that stopped the crying and helped my sanity was Lady Gaga's "Monster" on repeat. I shit you not, we listened to it 5 times. And there you go, my kid said the F word because I cuss. I'll do better.
       The 5.5 hours that they are at school are the fastest thing that happens in my week. Despite all of this nonsense I'm talking, they are the sweetest and I have the most patience with them out of anyone. Learning the mom talent of "tuning out" and distracting them on to something else when the fits start are really a great thing. I am baffled by the people who always resort to just losing it on their kids when you really can redirect them most of the time....or feed them and put them to bed. They are just tiny humans. Most of the time when I am grumpy, feed me or give me sleep and boom, all is right in the world.

       So this, coupled with the fact that November is upon us and my kids both turn another year older then, got me to thinking about change. If you are going to be a parent, you better be okay with it. Nothing stays the same. As soon as you get comfortable with one parenting style, something changes. Take for example the things that you say. All of a sudden they repeat ev.er.y.thing. Clearly, loudly, and at all the wrong times. Or the other day when we went to the zoo but had to leave before we got there I thought “phew, good thing they won’t know that we didn’t go.” Yeah, that will end one day soon, they are wise beyond their wee years.                     
       I often get asked "Where did you go?" in reference to my thoughts, not physically, I suppose because I'm always in my head. Most of the time I can not explain where, wish I could. I write a billion of these a week...lucky for you, just in my mind. Then again, if I start doing that you don't have to read it anyway. Good thing Halloween is tomorrow because this week's thoughts are making me need my children's chocolate that they procure. I hope everyone has a lovely and safe October 31st. Bring on November, I think its going to be a good one. 


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