Day 4

Trying to find the words to express how amazing this kid is would be next to impossible. Last night was the first time she really complained of pain (damn the chest tubes!) and she was given IV pain medicine and we had an ok night of sleep. But tonight, I'm sleeping in a bed with her and not a chair because we are out of the ICU!!! That 3am chest X-ray looked good this morning and the chest tubes came out around 8 after premedication. They have dissolvable stitches so we are now down to incisions that are on the path to healing without anything that has to be removed. The central line came out right after, this part was worse for her because of all the tape that ripped her skin raw. I will keep my comments on that to myself for now. 

She had occupational therapy next and she was able to get dressed in her comfy clothes, brush her hair, and play with some leggos. She was still feeling the effects of the pain medicine but she did great. The staff here is so patient and wonderful and that includes the therapists. 

She moved to her regular room around 12:30 and sat up all day. She even got to dye some Easter eggs which she really enjoyed. She is laughing, humming, and smiling again. Praise the lord. There are no words to explain how hard this week has been but my baby is returning to her old self and I feel as blessed as ever. The doctor came by this afternoon and said she is preparing everything for discharge tomorrow as long as her X-ray and labs look good 😊 I'm beyond overjoyed because I can't wait to take this sweet girl home. Only one more night of a zillion wake ups and tests and hospital food 😬 She and I both get asked the same questions over and over- the little extremely tired gal on the inside of me is screaming "I know! I got this" but the polite gal on the outside is saying what they want to hear. 

Hmmm. What else. Oh yeah, if we get to go home tomorrow it will indeed be a good, Good Friday. 


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